Who Am I?
Name:   Christopher Gaynor Sgt. Christopher Gaynor
"I was a Sgt E-5 Radio Team Chief with the 2nd Bn, 77th Field Artillery, 4th ID(and later 25th ID) from 4/67-2/68
based out of the Michelin Rubber plantation at Dau Tieng in III Corps(War Zone C).
We provided close support(105mm Howitzers) for Triple Deuce and they provided security for us.
Both the battle of Soui Tre(March 21, 67) and Fire Support Base Burt(Jan 1, 68) involved the 2/77 and Triple Deuce troops
who took heavy casualties but prevailed against a much larger NVA force.
Arrived RVN:   Jan 1967
Left RVN:  Feb 1968
2nd Bn, 77th Field Artillery
email: cbgaynor2@yahoo.com