Jim May Standing in front of the monument (click picture to enlarge)

2-22, 10th Mountain Division Monument

Doing It Themselves

The 2/22, 10th Mountain Division monument project that we were introduced to at the DC Reunion is proceeding full speed. The Soldiers of 2-22, 10th Mountain have taken a lesson from the past and are not going to wait for 30+ years nor are they depending upon anyone to help them to honor their fallen Brothers. They are “Doing It Themselves.”

In a recent e-mail discussion between LTC Dennis Sullivan, CO 2-22 and members of the 22nd Infantry Regiment Society’s Monument Committee regarding the Monument it was revealed that the Soldiers of 2-22 are providing most of the funding for the project from their own funds.

The discussions provided LTC Sullivan with some ideas as well as sources for the monument statue. Under consideration is a statue that would be nearly identical to the statue that is being placed at the Infantry Museum at Ft Benning. All agreed that this would provide not only a fine statue but a great degree of continuity between the Regiment and Battalion monuments.

The accompanying schedules provide information on what has been accomplished, what has yet to be accomplished and how the 2-22 Active Duty Troops plan on paying for this monument. I’ve asked Mario to post the entire Power Point on our web site so that those who are interested may view the entire layout and monument scene. When we visited with 2-22, 10th Mtn before their recent deployment we went to the site where the monument will be placed. The site is part of a much larger monument arrangement that will be used by all of the 10th Mtn Battalions. At the center of this site is the 10th Mtn Memorial. The statue is that of a WW II Soldier helping a Present Day Soldier scale a mountain side. I have sent Mario a photo of this Statue to accompany the Power Point.

The Board would like to open a discussion regarding VN 222 making a donation to the 2-22, 10th Mtn monument fund. Those of you on the Vietnam Triple Deuce Group e-mail can easily join in the discussion. Those of you who are not on the Group e-mail can join the e Group or send me an e-mail, jlmay@tds.net, and let me know that you’d like to be in on the discussion. I will see that you are covered by adding your e address to all responses. And those of you who do not use a computer may let your thoughts be known by contacting any of the Board Members by phone.

Jim May

(Note, previously there was a link to additional material and a presentation. That link is no longer operational so the link has been removed.